Special Education
Special Education services follow the guidelines of specific laws for the benefit of the child. Here you will find links to resources and information that are the right of every child with special needs and his/her family.
Child Find
Child Find is a nationally recognized model of an ongoing community effort focused on locating, identifying, and evaluating children with special needs from birth through 21 years of age.
We encourage parents of children with difficulties or suspected difficulties in vision, hearing, speech, language, movement, thinking, learning, and/or self-help skills to contact the school district where the child resides. The school district provides free developmental screenings. Interested parents should contact the school district or LEA (local education agency) directly for this service if they don’t attend the annual Child Find Developmental Screening event that we sponsor. Children are not required to be of school age to qualify for these services.
Anyone may refer a child, including teachers, child care providers, physicians, friends, or family members. For a child to be screened by licensed personnel, written permission from a parent or guardian is required. If the screening process indicates a possible delay, the child will be referred for a comprehensive evaluation that includes intellectual, motor, and speech and language assessments as well as medical status. Before designing a program to meet the child's needs, the child must meet eligibility criteria under IDEA as “a child with a disability.” Only after eligibility determination can the team of professionals including the parents develop an IEP and design the appropriate program to meet the child’s needs. With early testing and positive intervention strategies, many developmental delays can be completely corrected.
Lisa Burciaga Segura is the Child Find point of contact as a resource. Lisa coordinates Child Find activities with public and private schools, child care facilities, Head Start, public health services, and local early intervention services.
State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicators
The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) requires every state to submit a six-year State Performance Plan (SPP) with 20 indicators set by the US Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Each indicator has a specific measurable and rigorous target. Compliance targets are set by OSEP and results targets are set by the State with input from the NM Public Education Department (NMPED), Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), Regional Education Cooperatives (RECs), Charter Schools, and the State IDEA Advisory Panel. Each state must report its progress on these targets every year via the Annual Performance Report (APR).
NM Public Education Department Guidelines Regarding Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education
- UNM Health Sciences Center; School of Medicine; Center for Development and Disability; Early Childhood and Specialized Personnel Division
New Mexico Early Childhood Transition Initiative
IDEA Part B to Part C Programs (SPP Indicator 12)
The mission of the New Mexico Early Childhood Transition Initiative is to support community teams in developing and/or improving their system of transitioning children and families from early intervention services to other services and supports.
Our vision is that all children and families experience a smooth and effective transition as a result of collaborative intentional community planning.
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Reporting
ECO- SPP Indicator 7
- PSN Early Childhood Outcomes Training Center
- Q & A Answer Sheet Indicator 7 - Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)
- For Tips on Gathering Data for Planning Meaningful Instruction and for ECO Reporting (at beginning and end of each year)
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- SPP Indicators 5: School-Age LRE
- SPP Indicator 6: Preschool LRE
Secondary Transition
- National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
- Indicator 13 Checklist
- Post-School and Secondary Transition Webinars
Post-School Outcomes
- October 28, 2015: Indicator 13: Prong 1 & 2 Compliance Guidelines
- SPP Indicator 14
- National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)
- Post-School and Secondary Transition Webinars
Upcoming Trainings
The NEREC/REC#4 conducts topical PD trainings/workshops as requested by member districts or school site administrators on a case-by-case basis. NEREC also works closely with the NMPED and conducts/facilitates state-supported trainings as needed. You may access any currently available PD training events offered through the NEREC via the scrolling menu on the homepage.